Category: Featured

How to Rapidly Build Brand Signals for SEO

By Neil Patel


In SEO’s never-ending evolution, algorithms are continually assessing different elements to determine where brands rank.

I remember the time, “back in the day,” when you could often get ahead with only rudimentary SEO tactics like keywords stuffing, e-zine posting, and even article spinning.

Oh, but how things have changed…

Search engines have never been more sophisticated, and Google is relentless in its pursuits of providing users with the best experience possible.

One element of SEO in particular that’s garnered a lot of attention recently is brand signals.

What are brand signals?

In a 2011 post on Moz, Rand Fishkin explained that

Google wanted to separate the …read more      

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A Seemingly Minor Fact-Checking Tip that Yields Top-Notch Customer Service

By Stefanie Flaxman

people watch woman writing on whiteboard - copyblogger

When I was a cub copy editor, I learned a simple fact-checking technique that is still one of my favorites today.

It may seem unimportant, but if you don’t use this technique and fail to catch a certain type of mistake, you could set yourself up for extra work later.

This is one of my favorites because it demonstrates that reviewing your copy and content for accuracy goes beyond checking for proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Check for day/date discrepancies

I told you it’s simple.

Whenever you see a day of the week and a date in your text, check that the day …read more      

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How Journalist and Bestselling Author of ‘The Revenge of Analog’ David Sax Writes: Part Two

By Kelton Reid


The business and culture journalist and bestselling author of the recent book The Revenge of Analog, David Sax, dropped by the show to talk about the writing life, the importance of real things in a digital world, and the revenge of paper.

David is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek, The New York Times, The New Yorker online, and other publications.

The author’s first book, Save the Deli, was a Los Angeles Times bestseller and won the James Beard Award for Writing and Literature.

His latest, The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter “… looks at …read more      

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Bad Writing Advice: The ‘Post Truth’ Episode

By Sonia Simone


So much bad advice …

Funny thing — you can ask for people’s favorite words of advice, and you’ll get a decent number of answers.

But ask for their favorite piece of bad advice, and you’ll really get a response. I did exactly that on Twitter, and the podcast and Copyblogger post this week are all about what I found.

It ain’t what you don’t know … it’s what you know that just ain’t so.

In this 21-minute episode, I talk about:

  • Jason Miller’s smart article about why the “goldfish attention span” myth is dangerously wrong
  • Why it’s a terrible idea to dumb down …read more      
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Educate to Dominate Your Competition

By Brian Clark

three people engaged in content on a screen - copyblogger

First off, check out this quotation:

“It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Now, let me ask you this … How do you spark the buying process without a lot of high-pressure, high-hype selling?

You do it by getting the reader, listener, or viewer to imagine buying from you, even before you’ve presented the full offer.

Why is that important?

It’s important because once someone imagines buying from you, they’ve made a mental commitment.

The size of that commitment will depend on how well your content resonates with that particular …read more      

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