Category: Featured

What Effect Does Swearing Have on Your Brand?

By Neil Patel


Disclaimer: Please refrain from reading this post if you’re easily offended or have no sense of humor whatsoever.

It’s noisy and saturated these days in the marketing realm.

Brands are in a never-ending battle of one-upmanship.

With many industries being hyper-competitive and increasingly saturated, it’s never been more difficult to stand out from the pack.

But one technique that seems to work (at least for the brands that do it right) is swearing.

Some notable companies that have pulled this off flawlessly include Thug Kitchen, Vinomofo, and Dollar Shave Club.

It’s also something I have experimented with in the past.

In this post, I’d like …read more      

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Use This Content Marketing Checklist to Skyrocket Your Productivity

By Jennifer Blanchard

a simple way to boost your content output

I used to beat myself up and feel guilty for not getting more done in my business each year.

There were so many awesome content ideas burning in my brain for videos, books, and education I wanted to create. Yet, not much was really getting done.

Sure, I was busy as hell, but my content creation process wasn’t very productive. Then I started working with a mentor who shared her simple daily content creation checklist with me.

By following her version of the checklist, she’s able to create a video, a livestream, a podcast episode, a blog …read more      

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The Ultimate Blueprint for a High-Converting Longform Blog Post

By Neil Patel


You know the saying “content is king,” right?

Well, there’s a new king in town, and its name is longform content.

Like you, I was skeptical about longform content at first. “Nobody wants to read 4,000 words,” I thought.

I was dead wrong.

Because longform content rocks. It seems intimidating at first, but the benefits are insane.

Need proof? Back in 2012, I ran an A/B test on my site Crazy Egg. I tested the regular homepage against a shorter version. And the longer version converted 30% higher than the short version.

Longform worked better in 2012, and it still works better …read more      

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The Keys to Launching a Successful Online Course

By Sonia Simone

Copyblogger Weekly

Hey there — welcome back to the Copyblogger Weekly!

We’ve had a lot to say this week about online courses. On Monday, Pamela Wilson talked about some of the surprising ways you can profit from launching your course. On Tuesday, Henneke gave us some specifics on how to write a high-value lesson plan to make your course easier to sell.

And yesterday, I shared my story about my own road to teaching online — a road that definitely included some bumps and curves. (Spoiler alert: it has a happy ending!)

If you’ve been thinking about launching a course but weren’t sure how …read more      

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Stop Building Traffic, and Start Converting It. Here’s How

By Neil Patel


I’ll let you in on a little marketing secret.

In the grand scheme of things, building massive amounts of traffic doesn’t really matter. What matters is converting that traffic.

Everyone talks about building traffic. That’s fine, but it’s not the end of the story. If you don’t convert your traffic, building it is pointless.

Building traffic is like building a shopping mall. You can easily get people to come through the doors, but if you have only a few lackluster stores, none of those people will turn into customers. You have to give them a reason to stay.

I’ve seen tons of sites fail …read more      

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