Category: Featured

How to Breathe New Life into Your Online Content Archive

By Chris Ducker


In this episode of Youpreneur FM, Chris dives into the topic of making the most out of your online content archive by repurposing content to help you reach your followers in new ways.

We’ve all been there before. You work hard on creating a solid blog post, you feel a rush of pride as you hit “publish” and share it with your audience.

Then it disappears into your archive.

There is always such a steady stream of new content for our audiences take in on a daily basis that sometimes even the best of blog posts, podcast episodes, or videos pass people by …read more      

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Pre-Launch Protocol: How to Position Your Book to Be a Sales Success

By Pamela Wilson & Jeff Goins


Once your book is written, you’ll turn your efforts toward giving it the best possible chance to get attention, engage readers, and sell.

Launching a book happens in three stages: pre-launch, launch, and post-launch.

All three stages have an effect on the long-term sales success of your book. In this episode, Pamela and Jeff talk about best practices for each stage and how to position your book to maximize sales on launch and in the future.

One thing that helps? Getting a few well-known people to endorse your book before it launches.

In this episode Jeff Goins and Pamela Wilson discuss:

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Jerod Morris on The Everyday Innovator

By Caroline Early


This week, Jerod Morris and Chad McAllister of The Everyday Innovator have a fascinating conversation about the connection between product management and content marketing.

In this 40-minute episode, Jerod and Chad discuss:

  • What content marketing is
  • How content marketing and product management are similar
  • Applying content marketing to product management

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The post Jerod Morris on The Everyday Innovator appeared first on Copyblogger.

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Use This Step-by-Step Guide to Feel Confident and Connected at a Conference

By Raubi Perilli

Make the most of your next conference

For someone who spends most of her days sitting alone behind a computer, entering a crowded room filled with hundreds of strangers can be a bit intimidating. I know because I’ve been there, done that.

In 2015, I went to Rainmaker Digital’s Authority Rainmaker conference by myself. It was not only my first time attending a conference solo, it was also my first conference where I was representing my business, not an employer’s.

My previous employer sent me to the 2014 Authority conference, and what I learned that year prompted me to leave that job and start my own business. (<a class="colorbox" href="" …read more      

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Top 35 Blogging Ideas That Are Guaranteed to Be Popular

By Neil Patel


Blogging with a purpose increases market share, consumer engagement, revenue growth, and ROI. Of course, you want to do that.

I mean, just look at this:

But a lot of people I know are still stuck on the fundamental question:

What do we blog about?

For brands, the question is easy enough to answer.

You need to understand: 1) what you’re selling, 2) to whom you want to sell, and 3) what blog topics are relevant to both.

For individuals or other organizations who want to start a blog to monetize, the question can be a bit trickier.

About a year ago, I came …read more      

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