Category: Featured

How to Become a Marketer Who’s Obsessed with Metrics

By Neil Patel


Back when I was an Internet newbie, I had no idea what numbers to focus on.

I would look at Google Analytics. I would see lots of numbers. And I would be confused.

So, what did I do?

I did what most people do. I focused on vanity metrics.

What are vanity metrics?


Vanity metrics are numbers. That might sound all data-driven and growth-hacky.

But vanity metrics are numbers that don’t lead anywhere. As Eric Ries said,

…they don’t offer clear guidance for what to do.

Examples of vanity …read more      

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How to Write So Vividly that Readers Fall in Love with Your Ideas

By Henneke

use words that make them swoon

With a deep sigh, Helen Fields switches on her PC. Another Monday. Another article to write about leadership.

Hasn’t everything been written already?

Helen checks her Twitter stream and answers a few emails. She doesn’t feel like writing. Not yet. She googles the word “leadership.”

756 million articles. Ouch. But still … Helen knows she can help, encourage, and inspire her readers.

While sipping her green tea, she leafs through her notebook with article ideas. Nothing feels right. Everything feels bland.

She doesn’t want to write a humdrum article. She doesn’t want to dump her ideas online. She wants to <a class="colorbox" href="" …read more      

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Have an App? The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing It Free

By Neil Patel


Apps are huge.

But you already knew that. But did you know just how big apps are?

Did you know that as of June 2015, more than 100 billion mobile apps had been downloaded from the Apple App Store alone?

Google Play? 65 billion.

These are pretty insane numbers. And get this: the world’s app obsession shows no signs of slowing down.

These numbers go up. And up. And up. And up.

The world uses mobile devices.

And mobile devices use mobile apps.

Which makes mobile apps big business.

The estimated worldwide app revenue is predicted to hit $77 billion by 2017—more than double the …read more      

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Rainmaker Rewind: The Story of StudioPress Founder Brian Gardner

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

We’ve got a special treat for you on Rainmaker Rewind this week: the premiere of StudioPress FM, hosted by StudioPress founder Brian Gardner and Vice President of StudioPress Lauren Mancke.

Each week, they’ll help creative entrepreneurs build and grow powerful digital businesses. In this episode, they dive into the story behind StudioPress and the world of premium WordPress themes.

And, as always, be sure to check out the other great episodes that recently aired on Rainmaker FM.

  1. StudioPress FM. Brian Gardner and Lauren Manke discuss all things digital design on the new StudioPress FM: <a class="colorbox" …read more      
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6 Questions to Ask for Powerful Testimonials

By Sean D’Souza

what to ask to get powerful testimonials

Most of us ask for testimonials. And if we follow up and pester our customers enough, we receive testimonials.

There’s only one problem. These testimonials have no power.

Testimonials are stories. And stories potentially have power and grace, flow and rhythm. Look around you and you’ll see none of that in most testimonials.

Limp testimonials are a fact of life because clients don’t always know how to give testimonials and we often don’t have a clue about how to ask for testimonials.

We’re going to fix that today by examining six key questions you can use when asking for testimonials.

Ask these 6 …read more      

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