Category: Featured

How to Write Marketing Emails That Get Results

By Neil Patel


To some, email marketing can seem antiquated and even prehistoric when compared to more cutting-edge tactics such as SEO, social media, and mobile optimization.

Although it may not be the sexiest of strategies, there’s no denying that it still gets results.

In fact, “email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.” Just take a look at how it compares with other methods:

Also, you are six times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet.

What about ROI?

For each dollar spent, email has an <a class="colorbox" …read more      

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Rainmaker Rewind: How to Add Images to Your Book with a Professional Illustrator

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

This week on Rainmaker Rewind, D.J. Billings, a.k.a. Sparky Firepants, joins Pamela Wilson and Jeff Goins on Zero to Book to explore the world of book illustration.

Billings is an illustrator who’s worked with big names like Nickelodeon and MTV. He’s currently creating illustrations for Pamela’s book.

And, as always, be sure to check out the other great episodes that recently aired on Rainmaker FM.

  1. Zero to Book. Pamela Wilson and Jeff Goins welcome illustrator D.J. Billings to the show to discuss the art of illustration for print and digital, and the practical considerations of using images …read more      
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How to Make Your Writing Real

By Brian Clark

simple ways to make your content irresistible

In this day and age, substance matters.

What you say must be meaningful to the people you’re trying to attract. Your content must solve real problems and satisfy real desires.

So why should it matter how you say it?

The reality is, how you say it has always mattered, and it matters even more today. For content marketing, it’s basically the difference between success and failure.

You’re in a battle for attention. A headline that doesn’t specifically convey a compelling promise results in content that is too often simply ignored.

Beyond that, your copy has to hold that precious …read more      

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16 SEO Tactics You Need to Do To Your WordPress Site Right Now

By Neil Patel


You already know WordPress is the easiest and most SEO-friendly CMS in the world.

Maybe you’re pretty excited about it. You’re glad you chose WordPress. All you have to do is publish a few blog articles and wait for the jacked-up SEO of WordPress to do its thing, right?

Sorry to burst your bubble. If you think that choosing WordPress as a CMS is all you need to do, think again.

Look, I’m as big a fan of WordPress as you are. It’s an amazing CMS with high-octane potential, ease of use, and unlimited optimization possibilities.

But notice I say potential. And possibilities.

Kick-ass …read more      

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Get Advanced Training and the Opportunity to Be Certified by Copyblogger (Open 1 Week Only)

By Pamela Wilson


Content marketing is exploding right now — and we’re working hard to meet the needs of the market.

We create new educational content each week here on Copyblogger. And we offer advanced content marketing training in our Authority program.

But for an elite group of professional writers, we offer our most advanced training: the Copyblogger Content Marketer Certification program.

This program offers writers the opportunity to submit their content for review by a member of the Copyblogger editorial team. Those who pass the application process are featured on our Copyblogger Certified Content Marketer page.

This week, we are opening the program again …read more      

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