Category: Featured

4 Places Writers Leave Money on the Table

By Kelly Exeter

writers: where are you leaking money?

Sales copy, web copy, de-jargonized annual reports, useful blog posts, engaging email newsletters, podcast scripts, ghost-written business books … when it comes to content that writers are paid money for these days, the list is long.

But is no one knocking down your door asking for your expertise? Are prospects unaware of how you’re able to help them clearly and concisely communicate their thoughts? Why would that be the case?

Most likely it’s because your online presence doesn’t actually sell your writing services.

If potential clients don’t know you’re a “pen for hire,” or the type of “pen for hire” …read more      

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Explore the Content Editor Cosmos to Produce Out-of-This-World Writing [Infographic]

By Stefanie Flaxman

Explore the Content Editor Cosmos to Produce Out-of-This-World Writing

“Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup. They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe.”

– The Beatles, “Across the Universe”

So, who’s responsible for taming wild words and presenting them in a straightforward format that’s engaging and educational?

Content editors, of course.

A content editor aids in the effortless comprehension of a writer’s message, and in today’s infographic, we’ll explore the content editor’s universe to discover key takeaways you can use the next time you review and refine a piece of writing.

Free cosmic goodness to share

Make sure to scroll to the end …read more      

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Compelling Article Introduction

By Neil Patel


Wouldn’t it be great if every single person who clicked on one of your articles read it from start to finish, unable to pull their eyes away from the screen?

I think we both know the answer to that question.

To achieve this goal, however, you must master the art of writing intriguing introductions.

Wait a second, you’re thinking. Writing introductions? Isn’t that kind of a small detail of a 2,000-word article?

Your article intro is not a small detail.

The introduction to your article is often the difference between engaging readers and having a bounce rate high enough to make …read more      

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3 Simple Ways to Bust Stereotypes and Craft a Remarkable Message

By Pamela Wilson


On the snowy, northeastern Christmas of my 11th year, our parents gathered all five kids around the kitchen table to deliver the news.

We were moving to San Antonio, Texas.

I was devastated. Texas? I imagined what our new home would look like.

We’d be miles from any neighbors — who would all look like they walked straight off the “Hee Haw” set — with a dusty, rock-filled front yard punctuated by the occasional tumbleweed rolling by.

If only I had access to online content back in those days, I wouldn’t have been terrified at all by the silly stereotypes I believed …read more      

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10 Landing Page Tactics That Will Turn Casual Visitors into Converting Customers

By Neil Patel


When was the last time you took a long hard look at your landing pages?

On paper, landing page optimization seems easy enough. In fact, you’re probably following some sort of formula to design your landing pages.

Follow a few basic principles, capture the attention of your visitors, put to rest any doubts they may have, urge them to purchase, and let the money pour in.


In reality, it’s not this easy.

My experience with landing pages has taught me that it’s hard work to design the perfect landing page.

There are principles to follow, sure. But there’s also a lot of information …read more      

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