Category: Featured

Rainmaker Rewind: Launching Your First (or Next) Digital Product

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

This week on Rainmaker Rewind, Sonia Simone explains the value of launching a digital product and the steps you should take to get moving.

Listen to Confessions of a Pink-haired Marketer to discover how digital products can help boost your income and the nitty-gritty of designing your first digital product with your audience in mind.

And, as always, be sure to check out the other great episodes that recently aired on Rainmaker FM.

  1. Confessions of a Pink-haired Marketer. Sonia Simone talks about why you should consider launching a digital product and what it can do …read more      
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Profitable Writers Demonstrate How to Prosper from Your Words

By Pamela Wilson


If you aspire to make a comfortable income from your writing, you’ll find inspiration in the stories of the three people we’re featuring in today’s Certified Stories article.

This group comes direct from our Certified Content Marketer page here on Copyblogger.

You know what I liked best about their answers? That they were pleasantly surprised that writers can indeed make a healthy living doing what they do best.

I love hearing stories like that — they make our efforts here at Copyblogger worthwhile.

By the way, don’t miss the WORD ebook we developed specifically for writers — you’ll get instant access when …read more      

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Top 3 Reasons to Get Your Digital Commerce Summit Tickets Now

By Brian Clark

Top 3 Reasons to Get Your Digital Commerce Summit Tickets Now

Digital Commerce Summit is three months away, and we’re all very excited about this inaugural event. It’s happening in Denver, CO on October 13-14, 2016.

If you’re a digital entrepreneur, or are interested in getting into the business of creating and selling digital products, this is right up your alley.

But you’re going to want to act fast, because the price is going up this month. Let’s quickly run through the most compelling reasons to sign up before that happens.

1. The Speakers

Regardless of other factors, the quality of a business conference is determined by the speakers and what useful insight …read more      

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These 3 Numbers in Google Analytics Will Help You Make Better Content

By Neil Patel


Google Analytics (GA) is a digital marketer’s best friend. I use it all the time to check metrics, spot trends, and see what type of content my audience appreciates the most.

Of course, there are other tools you could use to analyze your metrics, but they’re not as valuable as GA for two reasons.

First, Google Analytics is free. The price can’t be beat.

Second, Google Analytics is a tool designed by the company that also gave us the most popular search engine in the world. That means it can (and does) provide you with information about the browsing and search history of …read more      

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How to Discover Your Customers’ Favorite Social Media Platforms

By Beth Hayden

where do your customers hang out online?

Every few months, a hot, new social media tool hits the scene — Pinterest, Periscope, Foursquare, Blab — and some marketing experts make it sound like if you’re not using that new platform, you’re missing out.

That notion gives me a massive headache. Like everyone else, I feel pressured to have a presence on every social media platform, but I can’t possibly contribute to every one — at least not without doing a lousy job on all of them.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply focus our social media marketing efforts on one or two platforms we …read more      

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