Category: Featured

3 Unexpected Ways Writers Deliver Value (So They Can Charge More)

By Pamela Wilson


In today’s world, the writer runs the show.

Not just any writer, of course. The pennies-a-word scribe may barely scrape by. But the quality professional writer — the writer who demonstrates high value and trust from the moment of first contact all the way through to delivery of the final word — that person writes his own ticket to success.

Quality professional writers command attention online, whether they do it for themselves or for the businesses they represent. Writers influence behavior, help form opinions, and drive people to take action.

Great writers are the modern-day stonemasons of any online presence. Our …read more      

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How to Write with Power and Authority, Even if You Feel Like a Nobody

By Henneke

use it! you've got the power

In this overcrowded online world, do you ever wonder why people would listen to your advice?

I used to feel the same way.

I didn’t understand why people would read my writing tips when the web is awash with writing advice from people more experienced, more knowledgeable, and more authoritative than me.

Why would anyone listen to me?

I’ve learned that mindset was flawed.

When I learned how to write well, a new world opened up. I connected with people across the world. I built a thriving blog. People started listening to my advice — and more importantly, they …read more      

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How to Ethically Use Your Customers’ Pain as a Powerful Marketing Tactic

By Neil Patel


Pain is often a difficult subject to talk about.

But if you think about it, the entire point of being in business is to address customer pain points.

Why do I say this? Because the two biggest reasons why people spend money is to either 1) pursue pleasure or 2) ease pain.

Some people think it’s unethical to use pain as a marketing tactic.

I disagree.

Why? Because everyone is experiencing some level of pain already, and they are looking for ways to relieve it. That’s why they are interested in your product or service.

The field of neuromarketing has opened up new perspectives …read more      

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Try the Rainmaker Platform for Free (No Credit Card Required)

By Brian Clark

rainmaker platform - test-drive rainmaker for free, no credit card required

A lot has happened since we launched Rainmaker two years ago.

What started as an easier, more secure, and maintenance-free way to build a powerful website has become a complete digital marketing and sales solution.

The website aspects of the Platform are even more powerful, and are now complemented by integrated email, marketing automation, an online course builder, podcasting and content optimization tools, and much more.

I’ve spent a lot of time using the Platform myself over at Rainmaker.FM and Digital Commerce Institute, as well as my personal sites Unemployable and Further. This …read more      

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How to Reach Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials with Your Online Marketing

By Neil Patel


There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing.

This is especially true when it comes to marketing to different age groups.

When dealing with different age groups, genders, income levels, etc., you need to be flexible and understand the psychology and habits of each customer base.

Easier said than done.

This is where customer segmentation comes in. Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing your audience into different types of people.

There are all kinds of ways to segment your customers. Some businesses choose to segment by value, frequency of purchase/visit, product interest, acquisition channel, etc.

Without segmentation, I don’t think I …read more      

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