Category: Featured

Rainmaker Rewind: A Process for Content Marketing Success

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

Rainmaker Digital’s Chief Content Officer Sonia Simone knows a thing or two about content marketing.

Tune in to this week’s episode of Copyblogger FM as Sonia navigates the best ways to organize your time and energy so you’re able to consistently produce effective marketing materials.

And be sure to check out the other great episodes that aired on Rainmaker FM during the past week in this edition of Rainmaker Rewind.

  1. Confessions of a Pink-haired Marketer. Sonia Simone unpacks a four-part process to help content marketers consistently produce great content: A Process for Content Marketing Success
  2. The Digital …read more      
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Marketing Automation Defined in 60 Seconds [Animated Video]

By Demian Farnworth

content marketing glossary - what is marketing automation?

Ever find yourself in a conversation with your boss or a client and she mentions implementing marketing automation?

Did you understand her request, or did the conversation grind to a halt because you’re not familiar with the term?

If you fall into the second category, you’re not alone.

Marketing automation is a hot topic these days, and its popularity has grown rapidly since 2013, but it can be tricky to define.

What exactly is marketing automation?

Watch our 60-second video about marketing automation

With help from our friends at The Draw Shop, we whipped up 12 definitions from our new …read more      

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Suck Your Readers In: 4 Types of Openings for “Sticky” Content

By Neil Patel


The headline is the most important part of your content.

That’s a fact.

What’s the second most important part?

That would be your introduction.

Think of it this way: Your headline compels people to click on your post, but your intro draws them in to actually read the post.

And if you’re sick of not getting a high level of engagement on your posts, this is likely one of the main causes.

Here’s the simplest way to illustrate the effect of introductions on your content’s performance:

  • Bad headline – Low traffic
  • Good headline, bad intro – High traffic, high bounce rate, low time on page
  • Good headline, good intro …read more      
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Multiple Streams of Income from Your Digital Business: Meet Joanna Penn, Creative Entrepreneur

By Sonia Simone

joanna penn - author, speaker, and digital entrepreneur

Joanna Penn is known for being an unusually multifaceted author.

Not only does she write thriller novels under the name J.F. Penn, she’s also a nonfiction writer, copywriter, teacher, and content creator … and she’s the “chief marketing officer” for her own career.

And her marketing superpower? Being able to see the myriad business possibilities that a single book can unlock … even for fiction (which most people mistakenly believe is the least profitable form of writing).

Joanna has sold books in 74 countries, as well as created courses, audiobooks, and other profitable models for writers.

“As a creative, you’re creating intellectual property assets …read more      

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How to Implement Kinder, Gentler Marketing: 4 All-Natural Truths

By Pamela Wilson

market without annoying your prospects and customers

I have a love/hate relationship with a soap company.

About five years ago, I stumbled across their products online. They boasted rare and unique scents and naturally-sourced ingredients. They were irresistible (to me, anyway). And their prices seemed reasonable.

So, I placed an order. And that’s when my troubles began.

I had to share my email address to complete my transaction. You know, to “receive an order confirmation.”

Within days, I found myself receiving marketing email after marketing email. Coupons. Special sales. New soaps. New scents. Free shipping.

I imagined their marketing department high-fiving one other and saying, “We’ve got one on the line. …read more      

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