Category: Featured

6 Ways to Get Signups for Your Product That Hasn’t Launched

By Neil Patel

rocket launch

Everyone has the dream of a “big launch.”

You release your product and get a nice surge of customers within the first few days and weeks.

But most product creators have a different experience. On the day of a launch, they hear…


The worst thing you can do for your business is focus solely on the product until you launch.

The sort of explosive launches you see other businesses are getting didn’t happen overnight.

Instead, they were the result of a high degree of preparation.

When you have a large group of people interested in your product before it’s even created, you have an instant validation …read more      

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Want to Be an Amazing Writer? Read Like One

By Demian Farnworth

how to read like a writer

When it comes to reading, there are two ditches modern-day web writers may fall into. Both are notorious, unrefined, and dangerous — especially if you want to be more than an ordinary writer.

On one side, you have the ditch of never-ending digital content where you spend all your time reading online.

Your day looks like this:

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Rainmaker Rewind: Things I Love/Things I Hate #3, Nerdy Nummies and Crummy Content

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

This week’s edition of Rewind (and from now on, for that matter) is going to look a little different.

I love sharing my favorite episode of the week with you so that won’t be changing, but there are so many other great things happening on the interwebz related to digital business that you shouldn’t miss.

Moving forward, I’ll pick my favorite Rainmaker FM episode and Copyblogger post of the week along with a few other articles, podcasts, or videos that I think you’ll enjoy.

Simply put, 10 interesting and useful links you can use every Saturday.

Without further …read more      

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6 Accidental Ways to Ruin Your Split Tests and Limit Your Profit

By Neil Patel


You’re one of those people, aren’t you?

The kind who stay up late at night, thinking of ways to improve their businesses.

It’s great to have this much passion.

By now, you’ve probably at least read the basics about split testing. And while the general concept is very simple, it’s fairly difficult to run a conversion rate optimization campaign properly.

There’s a reason why conversion experts get paid a ton.

Too often, marketers and business owners run a split test, make a change based on the results, and find out that it either made no difference or produced a negative result.

That being said, …read more      

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5 Remarkable Qualities of Effective Online Content

By Sonia Simone

content marketing's five essential elements

When I prepare for a presentation on digital business and content marketing, I think a lot about what I want the audience to take away.

Of course, there’s always the First Rule of Copyblogger, which I preach to anyone who will listen. But telling people “don’t publish content that sucks” tends to need a little more explanation if it’s going to be helpful.

What would give content marketing newbies the right foundation? And how can I help content marketing veterans who aren’t finding the success they want? Is there a framework they can use …read more      

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