Category: Featured

8 Ways to Get More Social Shares Without Annoying Readers

By Neil Patel

like this

Every time you write a new post, you share it on the social web, right? Well, how’s that working for you?

It’s unfortunate, but most Twitter and Facebook feeds look like a graveyard – no likes, comments, or shares. That’s because no one shows you how to use social media properly.

Today, I want to share with you the strategies that I have used to maximize the number of social shares I get from each post. Social media traffic can play a big role in growing a site as you might have seen in my 100k challenge.

Why is this important? There …read more      

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What Makes the Difference Between Success and Failure Online?

By Sonia Simone

exploding the myths of online business

Running an online business seems simple. All of those guru-type people make it sound that way. But what happens when it isn’t?

On paper (or in pixels), it all looks pretty straightforward.

Start an online-based business around helping people reach a certain goal. Maybe it’s a fitness goal, or a parenting goal, or learning a new professional skill.

Online education is exploding, so we know that more and more people are looking online to learn a task or skill they care about.

Some people seem to start a small site, gather an interested audience, and then before …read more      

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Deadly Conversion Busters: How to Fix a Horrible Headline

By Rainmaker.FM


Headlines can make or break your conversions.

How do you craft a headline that works every time?

In this episode of The Mainframe, Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal:

  • Why being clever might be the easiest way to tank your offer
  • How your audience targeting is the key to developing your headline strategy
  • Testing and getting out of your own way
  • What your headlines really need in order to connect with your prospect
  • The 4U technique for getting your headlines right

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The Mainframe on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on …read more      

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Solve Your Online Proofreading Problems With This Simple Trick

By Rainmaker.FM


This episode of Rough Draft is for anyone with limited time and limited proofreading skills. Like host Demian Farnworth.

There’s a common myth web writers fall for: the idea that proofreading online isn’t nearly as important as writing for print. If you believe that, you would be wrong.

Proofreading is essential.

So today Demian is happy as a kitten to introduce you to Stefanie Flaxman, Copyblogger’s Editor-in-Chief, who will help you choose the right words and teach you time-saving ways to improve your copy.

You are going to love Stefanie because she doesn’t consider herself a …read more      

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A New Way to Think About Your Show’s U.S.P.

By Rainmaker.FM


One of the common threads from the speakers at Authority Rainmaker was the importance of differentiation.

In this new episode of The Showrunner, Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor provide a new way to view the unique selling proposition of your show.

After opening with a brief discussion about incredible benefits you can gain from taking online relationships offline, Jerod and Jon dig into differentiation.

During their discussion, you’ll learn:

  • What Sally Hogshead meant by “different is better than better” (and how it will help your show)
  • Why you need to know what your “unique show positioning” is
  • How …read more      
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