Welcome to Introduction to Marketing
This course is designed for anyone just starting out in a marketing position and looking to learn the fundamental principles behind marketing both a product and a service.
This course will teach the strategic, tactical and creative essentials needed to generate awareness in your market. It combines lectures (online and in person), case studies, exercises and homework assignments to explore fundamental marketing principles.
At the end of the training, the students will be able to immediately apply the knowledge and skills learned to magnify their marketing results.
Course Details:
Marketing Strategy
- Market Research
- Competition Research
- Branding Fundamentals
Marketing Tactics
- Marketing Activity through Traffic Channels
- Marketing Tools and Technology
- Marketing Asset Planning
Creative Tactics
- Marketing Copy
Much of the course will revolve around allowing students to take the training materials and apply to exercises to ensure that the knowledge and skills presented are understood.
Who is this for?
This training course is applicable if you are a:
- Key Team Member looking to add marketing to your role
- Front Line Key Staff member – customer facing
- Marketing Coordinator
Course Investment – $499
Course Duration – 1 day