A Quick-Start Guide to Video Content: Become Confident on Camera in 5 Steps

By Cheryl Tan

Videos are everywhere. They’re on your Facebook feed, your Instagram wall, and they also come up in search engine results. As a former TV journalist, I know that video is a powerful way to reach people — and being on camera regularly solidifies your connection with your audience. I had the pleasure (sarcasm intended) of
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How to Minimize Cart Abandonment in Your Checkout Process

By Neil Patel

Exit intent Popup Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions

Recently, I stumbled upon a scary statistic.

A whopping 69.23% of ecommerce shopping carts are abandoned.

To put this into perspective, for every 100 customers who start the checkout process, 69 don’t finish.

Is it a massive problem? Absolutely.

These numbers shouldn’t sit right with any business owner. That’s too many lost sales and potential lifelong customers.

But it’s also a bit surprising.

If someone starts the checkout process, it stands to reason they have a strong purchase intent.

So, why do so many shoppers fail to complete their purchases?

A few reasons.

Some of these are out of your control, and others, you can nip …read more      

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Supercharge Your Benefits with Contrast Storytelling

By Brian Clark

Your copy has to convey the benefits of buying, period. But have you thought about how to best frame those benefits? The Framing Effect is a psychological response in which people react to a particular choice in different ways depending on how it’s presented. For example, we tend to want to avoid pain more than
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How Important Conversion Optimization Is for Small Ecommerce Sites

By Neil Patel

Start Caring About Conversions Stop Pouring Money Down The Drain Hit Reach

There are no two ways about it.

If you’re in ecommerce, you’re in business to make money.

Sure, there may be philosophical reasons why you provide your customers with top-notch service.

But ultimately, your goal is to ensure money exchanges hands quicker and more often.

The way to achieve that is through conversion optimization.

This applies to all online businesses.

In the ecommerce space, it’s even more crucial.

In this article, I’ll explain why. I’ll also get into how you can make some adjustments to your site to improve conversions.

First, let’s take it from the top.

What is conversion optimization?

In layman’s terms, conversion optimization …read more      

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Simple Tips for a Productive Short Week

By Sonia Simone

How was your long weekend? Or, if you don’t live in the States, how was it watching all your U.S. pals enjoy the long weekend? This was Labor Day week in the U.S., which means about half of my compatriots are running around this morning thinking it’s Wednesday, the other half think it’s Friday already,
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