Quality Over Quantity: Repurpose Your Best Ideas and Distribute Them Far and Wide

By Jerod Morris

"This is how you increase the likelihood of reaching new audience members with your best work." – Jerod Morris

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but …

Your audience does not need your ideas.

Sorry to disappoint you.

It’s true though.

Your audience is exposed to plenty of ideas. Everywhere they turn online and offline, they are bombarded with ideas. Ideas, ideas, ideas. Mostly filler and fluff.

Think about yourself. Do you need any more ideas to consume and consider?


What you need are someone’s best ideas. And what your audience needs — in fact, all that your audience needs — are your best ideas.

  • The ideas that cut through the crap and clutter to make a difference
  • The …read more      
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How to Tell a Gripping Story on Your About Page

By Neil Patel


Your About page.

It’s one of those requisite elements of your website that’s easy to overlook.

But really, is it even that big of a deal?

How many visitors will actually take the time to check out your About page?

Well, here’s an interesting statistic.

According to a study from KoMarketing, “52% of your visitors want to see an About page.”

Without one, you’re instantly creating some distance between your company and over half of your visitors.

That’s why an About page is more important than you may think.

And here’s something else I’ve noticed.

A lot of brands (even some of the bigger ones) lack in …read more      

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It’s Pet Peeve Week on Copyblogger

By Sonia Simone

It's Pet Peeve Week on Copyblogger

Quick poll: When you hear the term thought leader, do your eyes roll or do your ears perk up? I’m on team eye roll, and I explained why in Monday’s post.

On Tuesday, the ever-elusive Robert Bruce shared the secret to writing compulsively readable copy. Like all of Robert’s secrets, this one is difficult … but it’s sound. Even better, it comes with a grumpy post image, which works best if you imagine it read in Robert’s famously velvety voice.

And on Wednesday, Stefanie Flaxman shared her favorite peeve: mistaking “viral” content for content that actually …read more      

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Don’t Kill Your Audience’s Vibe with These Content Marketing Turn-Offs

By Neil Patel


As of 2017, the overwhelming majority (89%) of B2B marketers use content marketing in some form.

As you can imagine, how well marketers execute their campaigns varies quite a bit.

Or, as The Content Marketing Institute would put it, there are differences in “content marketing maturity levels.”


As you can see, a fairly small number (28%) would be considered either mature or sophisticated.

The rest could definitely use some improvement, and there’s a lot of room for growth for many content marketers.

One thing I’ve noticed …read more      

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8 Calls to Action that Initiate New Relationships with Customers and Collaborators

By Stefanie Flaxman

I know. I know. I know.

“Viral” is an actual term people use to describe wildly popular content that has spread across a variety of distribution channels, landing in our Twitter feeds, Apple News updates, text messages, and emails from Uncle Sue.

But I still don’t like the word.

When “going viral” is a goal for a piece of content, it puts me a little on edge.

Viral content may feed your ego, but it doesn’t necessarily feed your business.

Business success without “going viral”

I understand it’s frustrating if no one knows about your products or services. That’s why you want a lot …read more      

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