7 Ways to Coach Writing Clients on Finding Their Remarkable Voices

By Brandon Davis

Cover your ears for a second. My wife can sing. I can’t. There, I admitted it. But, we do have one thing in common — we both think we can. Only one of us is right (ahem). In the world of business, we all put out a tune. A vibe. A voice. Customers flock to
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Why Websites with Simple Designs Have Higher Conversion Rates

By Neil Patel

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Typically, when companies look to improve their conversion rates, they focus on their CTA buttons or value propositions.

Businesses also like to A/B test certain elements of their pages to see which versions convert the best.

Don’t get me wrong: these are all valid ways to improve conversions.

But something that’s sometimes overlooked is the simplicity of the website.

Far too often I see websites try to jam too much information into a very small space.

The navigation is confusing, and it’s overwhelming for anyone viewing the site.

If this is starting to sound like the layout of your website, …read more      

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30 Tips that Help You Become an In-Demand Freelance Writer

By Stefanie Flaxman

You may or may not know that I haven’t always been Copyblogger’s editor. For many years, I was a Copyblogger reader. I didn’t know Brian. I didn’t know Sonia. But I pretended that I did. Of course I didn’t tell anyone that … I just received so much guidance from Copyblogger that helped me position
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The Top Customer Engagement Strategies That Generate Sky High Revenue

By Neil Patel

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In order to run a successful business, you’ll need to do more than just acquire customers.

One of the best ways to have a successful customer retention strategy is by creating customer engagement.

That goes for all companies across every industry.

Whether you have a brick and mortar location in a small town or have a global ecommerce distribution network, the customer is the lifeline of your business.

While it may not seem like an issue or concern right now, failing to keep your customers engaged could be detrimental to your business.

Fortunately, it appears as though you’ve recognized …read more      

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How Different Color Schemes Can Impact Sales on Your Website

By Neil Patel

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While most people may not realize it, marketing and psychology are closely related.

The most successful marketing campaigns apply customer psychology.

On the surface, it’s a simple concept.

If you understand how the customer’s mind works, you can use certain triggers to help you generate a profit.

One of the most important psychological factors you need to consider is color.

Keep it in mind when you’re:

  • branding your company logo
  • designing your website
  • building a mobile application
  • creating a call-to-action button
  • sending an email
  • coming up with a marketing campaign.

The list goes on and on.

Basically, anything visual your company produces needs to have appropriate color schemes.

The right colors …read more      

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