Category: Business of Golf

Wonder what your PROSPECTS are thinking

Too many business owners have an idea of what they offer, and they demand that customers accept that idea. That’s not the way the world works, however. You can have the best golf course conditions, food,  atmosphere, the best wait-staff possible… and still fail, if your customer base is turned off by something you can’t see because you’re only looking at your business from your own perspective

For example, your customers may love your facility, but can’t afford to take a cart. And it may be because your drinks are fifty cents higher than next door. Or because you don’t serve food early in the morning.

You need to find out what the customer’s experience is.

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Golf Associations looking to help?

Ian Hutchinson (from Golf New Now) sent out a blog post this morning, on data program that the CPGA and NGCOA are using for their membership.  I am giving you the link to the post

My quick overview on it, and again it is just my opinion.  I like the idea of assisting your membership by providing resources or tools that can help them address their GOLF BUSINESS issues.  Also, studying trends and analyzing past hurdles can only benefit a golf facility.

Let’s hope that everyone gets on the same page.  Including bringing in outside sources that can help not only the membership, but both associations.

There are technologies and best practices that are occurring in different business sectors that the golf industry are unaware of, but they should be.  Not to mention stuff that has not even been created yet.

By the way, Golf News Now always seems to have great blog posts.  So make sure you check them out.

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