Category: Featured

How to Know Exactly What Content to Deliver to Convert More Prospects

By Brian Clark

“Whether you're consciously telling a story or not, prospects are telling themselves a story about you.” – Brian Clark

Back in the 1940s, psychologists Fritz Heider and Marianne Simmel conducted an experiment. They showed study participants an animated film consisting of a rectangle with an opening, plus a circle and two triangles in motion.

The participants were then asked to simply describe what they saw in the film. Before you keep reading, take a look at it yourself. I’ll be here when you come back.

So, what did you see? Out of all the study participants, only one responded with “a rectangle with an opening, plus a circle and two triangles in motion.” The rest developed elaborate stories about …read more      

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How to Make Your Content Marketing Impossible for Competitors to Copy

By Neil Patel


The more advancements in digital marketing we make and the more information on how to spy on competitors we share, the more those things are being adopted in various industries around the world.

That means you’re more likely to be the target of a spying competitor.

It’s all fun and games until they start using the same tactics to replicate the work you’ve been doing.

Sometimes, competitors will piggyback on your hard work to steal market share and customers.

When you’ve got a direct competitor shadowing your content marketing strategy, social engagement, and audience outreach, it’s enough to inspire vengeance and make you lose …read more      

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‘What Kind of Content Should I Create?’

By Sonia Simone

'What Kind of Content Should I Create?'

Last week, we talked about how to really understand who is in your audience.

This week, we’re shifting into what kind of message they want and need from you. Brian kicked off on Monday with a piece of classic marketing advice (exemplified by a classic American comic film):

It’s not enough to just know your audience. You also need to put their interests and desires ahead of your own.

That might sound impossibly idealistic — but in fact, it’s pure pragmatism.

On Tuesday, Beth Hayden gave some specific thoughts on how to do it, by creating extraordinarily generous content …read more      

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Put *Them* First to Win Big

By Sonia Simone

Put Them First to Win Big

Last week, we talked about how to really understand who is in your audience.

This week, we’re shifting into what kind of message they want and need from you. Brian kicked off on Monday with a piece of classic marketing advice (exemplified by a classic American comic film):

It’s not enough to just know your audience. You also need to put their interests and desires ahead of your own.

That might sound impossibly idealistic — but in fact, it’s pure pragmatism.

On Tuesday, Beth Hayden gave some specific thoughts on how to do it, by creating extraordinarily generous content …read more      

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How SEO Has Changed with the Possum Update

By Neil Patel


Google is totally unpredictable.

SEO practitioners know full well that things can change in an instant, and search engine dominance today means nothing tomorrow.

Or as Babe Ruth put it,

Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.

One of the more significant updates Google made in 2016 was Possum.

In fact, it’s arguably the biggest change Google has made to local SEO since the Pigeon update back in 2014.

As you might imagine, it’s shaken things up quite a bit and has switched up the SEO landscape considerably.

I’d like to dive into this topic and explain how it may have impacted your local rankings as well …read more      

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