Category: Featured

3 Ways Writing Helped Me Build a Business, Launch a Dream, and Find My Purpose

By Jeff Goins

the long-term effect of a writing career

“What’s happened to you is rare,” my friend Mark told me in a conversation that persuaded me to quit my job and write full-time.

“Nobody saw it coming. I know you and I didn’t see it coming.”

That was it. The day I decided to become a writer.

After that conversation, I gave my notice, found a nice corner in our house for a desk, and started writing. The rest, as they say, is history.

In three years, I published four books, built a seven-figure business, and hired a team to work for me. More importantly than all of that, though, …read more      

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7 Ways to Ensure You Maximize Your ROI From Content

By Neil Patel


I’m not going to lecture you.

You already know that content marketing can be a very successful form of marketing.

You also know that producing great content takes a lot of time or money, sometimes both.

But there’s something that you might not know, at least not for sure.

Just because a piece of content gets thousands of views or hundreds of social shares, doesn’t mean that it returned a positive return on investment (ROI).

You could spend $100,000 on the most spectacular piece of content on how to pet a cat. It’s very unlikely that it would ever make you anywhere close …read more      

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10 Classic Copywriting Books for Results-Driven Content Marketers

By Demian Farnworth

how to read your way to the top

There are two main ways for content marketers to absorb vital copywriting mechanics: learning and practicing.

I’m not going to help you with the practicing part today. You simply need to write … and keep on writing.

But I will assist with the education part by recommending 10 classic copywriting books that will help you obey the unbreakable law of the web.

Book #1: Scientific Advertising

Claude Hopkins expresses powerful tested truths about “salesmanship in print” that have remained relevant through the decades and across all media — including today’s …read more      

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Rainmaker Rewind: The Importance of Creating a Life Plan, with Michael Hyatt

By Caroline Early

Rainmaker FM rewind

I hope you’re learning valuable information from the recently evolved Rainmaker Rewind.

Because there’s so much great content out there, it was difficult to choose only 10 this week.

  1. This week on Rainmaker FM, Michael Hyatt joins host Chris Ducker on Youpreneur for a candid discussion on what his latest book Living Forward is all about and how to create, design and fulfill a plan for your life: The Importance of Creating a Life Plan, with Michael Hyatt
  2. This week on Copyblogger, Demian Farnworth explores the relationship between reading and strong writing: Want to Be …read more      
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6 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Webinars

By Neil Patel


Webinars are one of the ways, if not the best way, to convert traffic and subscribers into actual customers.

Even with a mediocre webinar, you can convert around 5% of your viewers into customers.

Very few other conversion tactics come even close to that.

Depending on how long you’ve followed my work, you may have seen any one of the many KISSmetrics‘ webinars.

The total number of attendees of the first 77 webinars at KISSmetrics was 74,381. And 16,394 of those converted. That’s a 22% conversion rate if you don’t want to do the math.

We had good webinars, but they …read more      

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