Category: Featured

Authority Content: Build an Audience that Builds Your Business

By Demian Farnworth

4 Essential Content Types - Authority Content

This article is part of our series on the 4 Essential Types of Content Every Marketing Strategy Needs.

In a famous 1963 experiment at Yale University, psychologist Stanley Milgram learned that people’s duty to authority runs pretty dang deep.

Here’s how he conducted the study.

Two participants met and were placed in separate rooms. One participant was the “learner,” and one was the “teacher.” Unbeknownst to the “teacher,” the “learner” was an actor.

The teacher was instructed to ask the learner a question. If the learner got the question wrong, the teacher was directed to shock the student.

And here’s the disturbing part.

When …read more      

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Attraction Content: The Foundation of a Smart Content Marketing Strategy

By Demian Farnworth

4 Essential Content Types - Attraction Content

This article is part of our series on the 4 Essential Types of Content Every Marketing Strategy Needs.

Let’s start at the beginning: you need to attract people to your content.

Creating Attraction content is the first step in a successful content marketing strategy and the focus of our first lesson.

Here’s a working definition of Attraction content:

Attraction content is freely available on the web for social sharing and for search engines to index. Your goal for this content is for people to consume it and spread it.

In other words, this is the content that drives traffic — ideally, …read more      

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11 Tools That Will Save You Time with Content Marketing

By Neil Patel


Quality content marketing takes a lot of time and effort—there’s just no way around it.

But there are, of course, some marketers who accomplish more than others and in less time.

I’d like to see you become one of those efficient content marketers, if you’re not one already.

There are a few ways to become faster, and one of the best is to use tools.

There are a ton of tools out there—some good, some bad. Some save you time, but some may actually cost you time.

I’ve put together a list of 11 tools that I’ve tried at the very least or use on …read more      

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An Introduction to the 4 Essential Types of Content Every Marketing Strategy Needs

By Demian Farnworth

4 Essential Content Types - A Content Marketing Strategy Series

This week, we have something special for you.

We are going to publish a five-part content marketing series, with a new article in the series each day.

The series will focus on the four essential types of content every marketing strategy needs.

Let me explain why that matters.

What are the 4 essential content types?

Different types of content play different roles in your marketing strategy. They help your business in different ways. Here at Copyblogger, we’ve been successfully using these four types of content for more than a decade.

In this week’s series, we are going to walk you through these four …read more      

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How to Get Extra Organic Search Traffic with Google’s “Related Questions”

By Neil Patel


Most SEOs go after the most competitive traffic from Google.

Years ago, that’s all there was, but Google has created many new features—many of which can be used to get extra search traffic.

The best part about these features is that most SEOs never even try to take advantage of them.

If you’re smart, you’ll want to take advantage of them.

I want to single out one of these features in particular—the one that’s relatively new:

Related Questions.

You might have seen these when searching for various terms. They appear as small boxes within the search results themselves (usually around the 4-5th spot).

<img src="" alt="image15" …read more      

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