Bad Writing Advice: The ‘Post Truth’ Episode

By Sonia Simone


So much bad advice …

Funny thing — you can ask for people’s favorite words of advice, and you’ll get a decent number of answers.

But ask for their favorite piece of bad advice, and you’ll really get a response. I did exactly that on Twitter, and the podcast and Copyblogger post this week are all about what I found.

It ain’t what you don’t know … it’s what you know that just ain’t so.

In this 21-minute episode, I talk about:

  • Jason Miller’s smart article about why the “goldfish attention span” myth is dangerously wrong
  • Why it’s a terrible idea to dumb down …read more      
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Educate to Dominate Your Competition

By Brian Clark

three people engaged in content on a screen - copyblogger

First off, check out this quotation:

“It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Now, let me ask you this … How do you spark the buying process without a lot of high-pressure, high-hype selling?

You do it by getting the reader, listener, or viewer to imagine buying from you, even before you’ve presented the full offer.

Why is that important?

It’s important because once someone imagines buying from you, they’ve made a mental commitment.

The size of that commitment will depend on how well your content resonates with that particular …read more      

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Laura Roeder on Building a Business that Supports the Lifestyle You Love

By Brian Clark & Jerod Morris


This week’s guest is a self-learner. She aspires to help people’s small businesses succeed beyond their wildest dreams by making social media marketing plain and simple to understand and implement. She is Laura Roeder, and she is a Digital Entrepreneur.

In this episode, Laura walks you through her journey as a digital entrepreneur:

  • How being a mom has influenced her ability to reap the benefits of digital entrepreneurship
  • How all the small choices she’s made over the years have added up to something incredible
  • Why constantly innovating helps her deal with the challenge of bringing in new customers
  • The one word she’d use to describe …read more      
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Quick! What Can You Systematize Before 2017?

By Jerod Morris & Jon Nastor


In this week’s episode, our goal is to send you and your shows sailing into 2017. This conversation is the first of a three-part series created with the sole purpose of enabling you to take your podcast to new heights in the new year.

Yes, 2016 was a great year for Showrunners as a whole and podcasting as a medium (except for the one guy who didn’t think so). But if we get our shows in shape, 2017 can and will be even better.

To accomplish this, we need to create rock-solid systems for our podcasts. Systems to help us schedule …read more      

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Why Starting a Membership Site Is a Terrible Idea … Until You Just Do It

By Sean Jackson


Sonia Simone joins our show to walk you through the most important elements of setting up a membership site, today.

As we approach the new year, you may be thinking about the changes you want to make to your life. And if you have been following the show, that may mean that you are looking to start — or at least expand — a membership site.

But change can be scary. And it is that fear of change that keeps most from ever moving forward.

If you are in earnest about building and growing a membership site — and need that extra inspiration …read more      

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